BWW: Studio Specs

The specs of the BWW space and what we provide our writers:

  • 200 square foot secure studio
  • network printer stocked with paper and ink
  • basic book binding supplies (awl, bone folder, thread, bookbinding needles, etc)
  • on-site WiFi
  • Google Apps account with BWW email, calendar, docs, and more
  • publication and featured writer profile on the BWW website
  • access to Boulder Creative Collective exhibition space as a venue for performances and workshops
  • connection to outreach opportunities with Boulder Fringe, Boulder Public Library and the BLDG 61 Maker Space, Jaipur Literature Festival, and other community partners
  • managerial and logistical support for proposed projects and initiatives

These are the basic offerings that we will open with, and we plan to grow this support over time. Let us know if there’s something you’d like to see added to this list, and you know we will work like hell to bring it to fruition.

And so it begins…

After four months of hard work and steady collaboration, BWW is ready to step into the world!

 We applied for the BAC’s Innovation Fund to fund a 6-month starter project, and in the preliminary scoring we are ranked 4th out of the 13 applicants. The hearing for the Innovation Fund is on June 15th, and we can use all the help you can offer. While we are confident going into our presentation, it will make a big difference if we have letters of support and/or attendance at the meeting itself from people who believe in this emerging project.

We are the new kids on the block and need to demonstrate how much this space can mean for our community — that means YOU, the writers, the muses, and the musicians, the painters, the performers, and the patrons, the students, the professors, the passersby, and the ones who have always longed to peek behind the artists’ curtain to see hows, whys and whats of creation and collaboration.

If you are interested in applying to use the space as a writer, attend performances and/or workshops, participate in a collaboration, or want to publicly support a new kind of creative multi-use venue in Boulder, we want to hear from you. We will post more details soon on ways to get involved, but for now please contact us and let us know who you are, what you’re up to, and how you think BWW can work to better serve Boulder as a whole.